Monday, June 28, 2010


Stream of consience...

We went to family camp this past week. It was fun, exciting, energizing, tiring, wet, scarey, godly and just plain old GREAT! It was so much fun having uninterupted family time, godly staff that were amazing to us and especially our children. Feeling safe, learning more about our walk with the Mighty Creator God. It was humbling to see and hear about other families and their situations, about what everyone learned at camp. It was a weekend that was well worth it!

The down sides? Having to come home to real life where I have to get stuff done like laundry and cooking and dishes. Oh, and I played Monopoly City again with Brant and Kale. Can you say 3 hours? Ugh... I think I will keep that game to once a month.

My boys love to swim. They were fish at family camp and Kai especially still wants to get in our tiny pool here home. Camden got ear infections from swimming at camp and has tonsilities now too.

In two days I leave with my niece Tessa and my friend Kim and her family to go horse camping. I am excited but have so much to do before then. Right now I am waiting on lunch to cook so I can feed my family. We are having taco salad with lettuce I grew in my garden. What fun! I will have fresh green beans too, but I am the only one that will eat them. Well, maybe Barney will too. We will see. I have eaten a few cherry tomatoes from my garden. Can you say yum? I can! YUM!

We don't have much more time before school starts. The summer is flying by. We still have baseball a few nights a week, but it is slowing down. We had been going every night of the week but Saturday. My two eldest will be going to camp at the same time in July. Right after our cousins wedding. Then in August our thrid son will be going to Trout Lake Camp. I am so excited about this because this is where I went to camp as a kid and where my parents worked many summers! It is fun to see a child of mine go to this awesome camp!

When school starts my youngest will be in Kindergarden. I can't believe my youngest is that old already. People ask what I will do with my time. I am sure I will enjoy a little bit of quiet time, but I am also sure I will find plenty to do or Brad will find plenty for me to do. My boys while I type this are asking when they can date. I told them when they can drive a car leagally they can go on a date. We will see how this goes. My youngest just said, "please don't be mad that I say this mom, but when a girl wants to date a guy she says he is a hot guy. Is that okay to say?" I told him it is okay to say, but not very polite. I said he could tell her she is very pretty or she could tell him he looks very hansom. Much better sounding. I am sure my children think I am like 80 when I say something like that. Okay... lunch is ready, I need to get back to real life. How was my first stream of concience?

Saturday, June 5, 2010

15 Years and counting!

My hubby and I went to Kearney last night. We were celebrating 15 years of marriage. I consider myself so blessed! I have a wonderful husband who loves God. 4 great boys I adore. I live on a farm which is the plan I had all along as a kid. I own a horse and actually ride her! My husbands family is wonderful to live near. They are good christian people with hearts for God. I still have my daddie and my big sister as well as have two younger sisters by marriage. I have a very sweet step-mom and some day I will see my mom in heaven. God is so good to me. Thank you Father in heaven for loving me, blessing me and allowing me to come into saving grace because I believe in you. Annie