My friend Stacy, her hubby and youngest son are in China right now. They are
bringing home their daughter Isabella. She has been waiting three years to hear the
referral call. I can empathize with how hard it is to wait. I am SO happy for you Stacy. I can not wait to meet your daughter. I can not wait to see the blessings you each give each other as your lives begin together. Praise God Isabella is coming home. We have prayed a long time for this. God is so good.
As I am SO excited for them to be finishing up their journey and bringing their daughter home I am also sad as I wonder where our little one is. What is God's plan. There are so many children in our state alone that need homes. Out of the 800 or more children, isn't there one little girl that needs a home now that is 3 and under?
There are many blogs that are great witness to me. I read one called Building The Blocks, Amy, you are an amazing writer and you love the Lord. It is so evident in everything you write and say. I came to you first when praying about adoption and seeking God with which route we should go. Thank you for caring and praying. Thank you for loving God enough to give him the credit when it is due. For being bold enough to state your beliefs in him and teach others about him. It is such a delight to find other Christians out there in this world that are bold enough to take a stand about their faith and beliefs. There are other blogs, but today I want to say thank you to Amy for her faith and witness.
Father in Heaven, you know me, you know all on this earth and in Heaven and Hell. You know how many hairs we have on our heads. You breathed life into this world. You are Everything. You know my heart and you know my wants. You know my sins and you know my good works. You forgive me my sins and you rebuke my wrong doings. You lift me up when I fall short and you carry me when I feel I can no longer go on. Out there somewhere Lord is our little girl. Our daughter and sister to my boys. Bring her home dear Lord. Please bring her home. I also ask you to be with Stacy and her family. Bring them home safely and bless their lives with Isabella. In your awesome name I pray, Amen