It is a day of Love.... I wish it were every day. I like Valentines Day. Not because I get something, but because I am reminded how much I am loved and how much I love my family. I am reminded today and wish the ephasis was every day! Our bible study is on marriage right now. Today we talked about perservering love. Love that does not give up in hard times. Love that knows it will not leave. Love that struggles together to the end of the hardship. Love that may be tested but comes out refined. Love that we as humans have to struggle to maintain at times because of our selfishness but given freely by God. I am so thankful God LOVES me and I know I can always count on Him! I am so thankful my husband loves me and I know because we believe in Christ Jesus as our Lord and Savior we too will not give up on each other. We will choose not to leave. I love MY HUSBAND! Do you hear that world? I LOVE MY HUSBAND! Happy Valentines Day!
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